Our vision
Relationships and partnerships are at the heart of Lairdsland Early Years Centre. Children are supported to engage with quality leaming opportunities to enable them to become effective citizens, successful leamers, confident individuals and responsible citizens.
Our values
- Safe children feel secure, nurtured, listened to and enabled to develop to their full potential.
- Healthy supported in leaming to make healthy and safe choices.
- Achieving supported and guided in leaming and in the development of skills, confidence and self-esteem. Nurtured: growing, developing and being cared for in an environment which provides physical and emotional security.
- Active have opportunities to take part in activities such as play, recreation and sport.
- Respected: being involved and having their voices heard in decision making.
- Responsible have opportunities and encouragement to play active and responsible roles in Lairdsland Early Years Centre. Included: have help to overcome inequalities and being accepted in their Lairdsland Early Years Centre Family.
Our aims
Provide an environment that promotes equity and faimess, kindness and respect where children have a sense of belonging. For children to experience unity and connectedness in everything around them indoors and outdoors.
Use a rights based approach to support children's social and emotional wellbeing.
Provide a holistic play environment where children are autonomous leamers who are curious, creative, critical thinkers and are supported by knowledgeable and nurturing practitioners.