Here at Lairdsland Early Years Centre we place a strong emphasis on parental involvement and family engagement. Our Early Years Workers strive to form positive relationships with parents and carers to create a great support network around each child. We have a small team of Early Years Workers that plan events in the centre to encourage high level family engagement opportunities. Eilleen & Jennifer are our Early Years Family Champions who are available within the centre to support parental involvement and overall family wellbeing. Our Early Years Family Champions lead our Families Connect and Triple P programmes in the centre. Families Connect and Triple P provide home learning opportunities to enable parents to support their child in their home environment. It is evident high-quality engagement with Early Years Workers and parents/carers is extremely effective, meeting the needs of children and families and securing positive outcomes for children attending Lairdsland Early Years Centre.
‘’I have really enjoyed attending Families Connect, it has made me as a parent more understanding and more confident’’.
‘’It has been a fantastic opportunity and brought my child and I much closer. We have looked forward to the group each weekend thoroughly enjoyed the extra time together which has been very special’’.